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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How I became Adouchi: Shadow of Vengeance

It was an average day in an average life. I thought the day was going well me and my wife where doing just fine. We went out for dinner and were heading back to the car when a man came up to us demanding money. When we politely refused he pulled a gun. We tried to tell him that we didn't carry that kind of stuff on us but he wouldn't hear it. My wife was the first to get shot... then myself.

The whole world felt cold and as it seeped away I heard a voice in my head a voice asking me if I wanted to live to stop people like that from hurting others... it was Bast, the Egyptian goddess of cats birth and life. She offered to become one of her children in exchange I wouldn't hunt those who harmed others and defend the weak from the oppressors. I willingly accepted, and became Adouchi a shadow of vengeance. I was given the powers over shadow able to move through them at will. I became more agile, stronger and faster and more importantly I learned the Egyptian martial arts that would help me fight others. Lastly, I gained the power to judge another.. to look into their souls and judge their wrong doings and let them feel the anguish and pain they put on others. I would make them all pay for their wrong doings.

The last gift she gave me was my wife, Bast is a protector of women and as a gift to her new champion she gave her the strength to survive our ordeal. Now I go out searching the night for those who would prey on the weak to see that justice and judgment is rendered.


  1. wow bast? it seems there are three ancient culture people here in this class. how neat is that? i admire your superhero being of an ancient culture. so are you like "bastman" stalker of the night and doer of deeds?

  2. Adouchi is my super hero name... Its a Japanese word meaning Vengeance.

  3. I like that your super-hero persona's name is linked to your cause and motivation, but, I dont know, Bast being Egyptian.....maybe you should have chosen something derived from that culture as your name. Oh, and are there no pictures?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The reason Adouchi was chosen is because Bast, the goddess of fertility and protector of women and the more just causes has a deity who she hates... the snake goddess. Set, which is the name for vengeance, hatred, and is an evil entity. So to choose 'Set' would have probably been more annoying to my patron then Adouchi.

  6. Bastet has always been one of my favorite goddesses because of her connection to cats.

    Heh, I'll call you Adou-kun as a nickname! (I'm just joking, please don't hurt me!! I have a lot of live for! Well, not really, but I owe lots of people money and if you kill me, through the transitive property, you'll owe them money! ))


  7. Cool super hero name at first I was like how do you say that. Reading your story kind of reminded me of Spidermans grandpa getting

  8. I'm pretty sure I've seen that ninja from somewhere before...

  9. You know, you give some very good reasons for sticking with Adouchi as your name, but I gotta say...I'm digging on Barosso's suggestion of Bastman, lol! I really like how you incorporated Bast into your story I'm a big Neil Gaiman fan and she often turns up in his stories.

  10. That's because you have Dan... the image is one of many I have on my PC..
